


LLM-agnostic platform for agent building & testing
LLM-agnostic platform for agent building & testing

General purpose, Build your own, Multi-agent

General purpose, Build your own, Multi-agent


  • A low-code framework designed for the swift creation, testing, and iteration of AI-powered autonomous agents and Cognitive Architectures, compatible with various LLM models.

  • Facilitates building custom agents and cognitive architectures with ease.

  • Supports multiple LLM models including OpenAI, Anthropic's Claude, and local Oobabooga, allowing flexibility in running different models for different agents based on specific requirements.

  • Provides customizable agent memory management and on-the-fly prompt editing for rapid development and testing.

  • Comes with a database-agnostic design ensuring seamless extensibility, with straightforward integration with different databases like ChromaDB for various AI projects.

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