


Test what happens when you combine CLI and LLM
Test what happens when you combine CLI and LLM

General purpose, Coding

General purpose, Coding


  • gent designed to test what happens when you combine CLI and LLM, which are more traditional interfaces than GUI (created by @saten-private)

  • An AI agent based on @yoheinakajima's BabyAGI which executes shell commands

  • Automatic Programming, Successfully created an app automatically just by providing feedback. The procedure can be found here.

  • Automatic Environment Setup, Successfully installed a Flutter environment on Linux in a container, created the Flutter app, and launched it. The procedure can be found here.

  • Aside from setting up the environment, it seems to be able to handle a bit of general tasks such as Generating text, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, and letters, translating languages

  • There is a risk of breaking the environment. Please run in a virtual environment such as Docker.

  • GPT-4 or higher is recommended

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