


Data exploration and analysis for non-programmers
Data exploration and analysis for non-programmers

Data analysis

Data analysis


  • BambooAI runs in a loop (until user decides to end it).

  • Allows mixing of different models with different capabilities, token costs and context windows for different tasks.

  • Maintains the memory of previous conversations.

  • Builds the prompts dynamically utilising relevant context from Pinecone vector DB.

  • Offers a narrative or asks follow up questions if required.

  • For codified responses, the task is broken down into a list of steps and a pseudo-code algorithm is built.

  • Based on the algorithm, it ises the python code for dataset analysis, modeling or plotting.

  • Debugs the code which then executes, auto-corrects if needs to, and displays the output to user.

  • Ranks the final answers, and asks user for feedback.

  • Builds a vector DB knowledge-base, based on the rank and the user feedback.

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