


Build an AI team that works for you, on your PC
Build an AI team that works for you, on your PC

General purpose, Multi-agent, Build-your-own

General purpose, Multi-agent, Build-your-own


  • Custom AI agents that remember, learn and work together.

  • Local native app, for privacy and responsiveness.

  • Your data fuels your AI agents without leaving your PC.

  • Multimodal: your AI agents understand text, voice, and images.

  • Reactive: your agents can respond to user defined events and leverage real-time data.

  • Autonomous: your agents can run in the background without user intervention.

  • Collaborate safely: AIs can read, write execute and share files in a sandboxed environment.

  • Multi-LLM: local and cloud-based AI models can be combined for best of both worlds.

  • Tinkerable & extensible: empower your agents with custom tools and scripts.

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