Kompas AI

Kompas AI

Kompas AI

Pick your LLM & build custom conversational agent
Pick your LLM & build custom conversational agent

Productivity, Build-your-own, Business intelligence

Productivity, Build-your-own, Business intelligence


  • Kompas AI is an advanced AI assistant for your team.

  • It's designed to assist and enhance your productivity.

  • It processes multiple tasks simultaneously.

  • Kompas AI outperforms ChatGPT Pro in response speed, using Microsoft Azure's OpenAI Service.

  • Kompas AI offers a free trial that allows you to use the Pro version for 10 days.

  • Kompas AI primarily uses the gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4-vision and gpt-3.5-turbo models, but it also supports other models like Gemini, Claude 2, and open-source models. Notably, Kompas AI features a larger context window, through gpt-4-turbo utilizing a 128K tokens Context Window that allows it to remember up to 512,000 characters of past conversation for more complex tasks.

  • Kompas AI prioritizes data security. Your files are protected with strong encryption, and data in transit is safeguarded. Unused data is regularly removed from the system.

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