



Agent framework producing complex codebases
Agent framework producing complex codebases

Multi-agent, Coding, Build your own

Multi-agent, Coding, Build your own


  • L2MAC can create near unbounded outputs that align exactly with the user input prompt over very long generation tasks

  • It achieves strong empirical performance of state-of-the-art generation for large codebase tasks and is in the top 3 for the HumanEval coding global benchmark. As L2MAC can detect invalid code and failing unit tests when generating code and automatically error corrects them.

  • Internally persists a complete file-store memory that enables LLM agents to read files and write to files, creating a large output over many iterations

  • It can be instructed to follow an exact prompt program

  • As it generates the output one part at a time, it enables an LLM with a fixed context token limit to be bypassed

  • The paper, peer-reviewed and recently accepted and published at ICLR 2024, introduces L2MAC.

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