


Multi-agent framework for building LLM apps
Multi-agent framework for building LLM apps

General purpose, Build your own

General purpose, Build your own


  • Works with most commercial/remote and open/local LLMs.

  • Set up Multi-agent, multi-LLM system: use stronger LLMs for agents requiring strong reasoning and instruction-following, and delegate simpler tasks to weaker/local LLMs.

  • Supports OpenAI function-calling as well as native equivalent called ToolMessage, which works with LLMs thatdo not have built-in function-calling. Simply specify structure as a (nested) Pydantic object.

  • Batteries-included: vector-databases for RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation), caching, logging/observability.

  • Specialized agents available: DocChatAgent, SQLChatAgent, TableChatAgent (for tabular data, e.g. csv/dataframes).

  • DocChatAgent handles text, PDF, Docx files/URLS, and has state-of-the art techniquesfor retrieval combining lexical and semantic search.

  • Documentation:

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