Loop GPT

Loop GPT

Loop GPT

Re-implementation of AutoGPT as a Python package
Re-implementation of AutoGPT as a Python package

General purpose

General purpose


  • Languages: Python

  • Default model: GPT-3.5-turbo (also possible with GPT-4)

  • Modular Auto-GPT Framework

  • Plug N Play" API - Extensible and modular "Pythonic" framework, not just a command line tool

  • Features

    • "Easy to add new features, integrations and custom agent capabilities, all from python code, no nasty config files!"

    • "Minimal prompt overhead - Every token counts. We are continuously working on getting the best results with the least possible number of tokens."

    • "Human in the Loop - Ability to "course correct" agents who go astray via human feedback."

    • "Full state serialization - can save the complete state of an agent, including memory and the states of its tools to a file or python object. No external databases or vector stores required (but they are still supported)!"

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