


Development toolkit for prompt management & more
Development toolkit for prompt management & more




  • "Whether you are a technical person or a stakeholder, you can use Pezzo effectively. We don't believe that AI prompts should be designed in a developer's code editor. Aside from the technical issues with this approach, it blocks productivity."

  • Features

    • Centralized Prompt Management: Manage all AI prompts in one place for maximum visibility and efficiency.

    • Streamlined Prompt Design, Publishing & Versioning: Create, edit, test and publish prompts with ease.

    • Observability: Access detailed prompt execution history, stats and metrics (duration, prompt cost, completion cost, etc.) for better insights.

    • Troubleshooting: Effortlessly resolve issues with your prompts. Time travel to retroactively fine-tune failed prompts and commit the fix instantly.

    • Cost Transparency: Gain comprehensive cost transparency across all prompts and AI models.

    • Simplified Integration: Reduce code overhead by 90% by consuming your AI prompts using the Pezzo Client, regardless of the model provider.

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