Q, ChatGPT for Slack

Q, ChatGPT for Slack

Q, ChatGPT for Slack

AI workforce on Slack for under-resourced SMEs
AI workforce on Slack for under-resourced SMEs

General purpose, Personal assistant, Business intelligence, Productivity

General purpose, Personal assistant, Business intelligence, Productivity


  • Q functions like ChatGPT, but within your workspace.

  • Secure and shareable, Q won't store or learn your data.

  • Unlike ChatGPT, Q can read various types of URLs and files on-demand with your input.

  • Ideal for summarizing, evaluating, brainstorming ideas, self-reviewing, Q&A, and more.

  • We also support URLs that require authentication, such as Google Workspace Apps.

  • Itemize your team-specific rules, guidelines, and templates.

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