Teenage AGI

Teenage AGI

Teenage AGI

BabyAGI-inspired agent, can recall infinite memory
BabyAGI-inspired agent, can recall infinite memory

General purpose

General purpose


  • Model: GPT-4

  • Language: Python

  • Uses OpenAI and Pinecone to give memory to an AI agent and also allows it to "think" before making an action (outputting text)

  • Also, just by shutting down the AI, it doesn't forget its memories since it lives on Pinecone and its memory counter saves the index that it's on

  • A process that happens every time the AI is queried by the user:

    • AI vectorizes the query and stores it in a Pinecone Vector Database

    • AI looks inside its memory and finds memories and past queries that are relevant to the current query

    • AI thinks about what action to take

    • AI stores the thought from Step 3

    • Based on the thought from Step 3 and relevant memories from Step 2, AI generates an output

    • AI stores the current query and its answer in its Pinecone vector database memory

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